Friday, June 13, 2008

An Exciting Career Move

I recently accepted a position as Director of Optimization at, a leading provider of local online advertising services. Yodle applies cutting-edge math and CS techniques in order to optimize lead-generation for its clients. It is an honor to be leading this effort, and it has been really fun so far.

My office is in the heart of mid-town Manhattan, and it has been fun to experience the energy of New York.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Annual Physical

Today I have my annual physical exam with the Navy. Immediately after, I will run my physical readiness test (PRT). This year I will ride the stationary bike instead of the 1.5 mile run. It should be fun.

It was great to see my parents while they visited this past Sunday afternoon and evening. My kids Thomas (4) and Walden (2) really had fun with their grandparents.

Tomorrow my section-mates are taking me to a goodbye lunch at the Olive Garden. It should be a lot of fun.

I am using Oracle Application Express (ApEx, formerly HTMLDB) to finish up an application that will replace a manual process here.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Last week of Active Duty for 2008

I have had a great time on my Pentagon experience. It is sad to be winding down in my last week.

This is also my first post on, recommended by my buddies.